The rise of internet and the use of social media is reshaping our lives and makes the world flat where we can “innovate without having to emigrate” (Friedman,2005) This is happening through the mode of development which is discussed in Castells “The Informational Mode of Development and the Restructuring of Capitalism”, where the mode of development is the interacting system of technology and organizational processes that underlies economic growth and social change. With my info graphic and this project I would like to argue that through the technology that we have access to, and the use of social media it’s brings many benefits which promotes economic growth and social change in the way we interact and view the world because it allows us to share and value ideas/attitudes and opinions in a new form. However, it also sets a barrier to the poor, the elderly and it creates a loss of privacy and huge downside of this mode of development is that allows every person on this earth who has access to social media/internet/smartphone to create a network, and that person might be a terrorist or a criminal.
Here is a link to the video describing my info graphic and below is the actual info graph:
Video: Movie on 10-21-14 at 1.00
I thought your infographic was interesting in how it brought attention to the rising use of technology and how it’s used everyday and slowly taking over. We use it for education purposes(like right now) to communicate with each other without needing to physically be near each other. I definitely see how technology plays an important factor in globalization. Last EOTO I focused on technology and you are absolutely right about the disadvantages, such as terrorism, considering I focused on cyber terrorism. As far as the readings, I think you incorporated a good analysis and use of quotes, especially using Castells and Friedman to make your point. I would agree with you about how it levels out the playing field for sure. Nice Job!