(2014, September 23). Retrieved October 14, 2014.
Believe It Or Not, Cuba Is Providing The Most Aid For Ebola Of Any Country. (n.d.). Retrieved October 14, 2014, from
Ebola Facts: When Did Ebola Arrive and Spread at a Dallas Hospital? (2014, July 30). Retrieved October 20, 2014, from
Full infographic here:
Video here
-Christine Nguyen
First off, I think it’s great that you tackled an issue as prominent as Ebola; it’s always nice to see something relevant. One point of yours that especially stood out to me was the coverage of Ebola. It is really interesting how our media has gone insane over the few cases of Ebola here in the US but failed to place as much emphasis on the much bigger issues of Ebola in other areas across the globe.
Also, it is an intriguing concept that something as Ebola could be used an excuse to extend our (US) influence into these areas. It would’ve been great if you had expanded on this.
Lastly, it would be helpful if you could provide a link to your piktochart as the one you uploaded here is pretty fuzzy.
The cases of Ebola in the United States are very interesting considering the amount of cases that are in Africa. I thought it was interesting to see the vast differences in the amount of cases in the United States v. Africa and comparing the amount of coverage that these few cases in the US have. Although we do not want Ebola to spread throughout the US, research should be done on how to help those in Africa who are suffering from the virus as well. An interesting point was using the cases of Ebola in Africa to help with their development and bring influence into those countries. Maybe the US can provide medical help without trying to influence a change in their traditions or culture.
I think the idea that foreign aid is even a way to push a Western development agenda is interesting and kind of sad. Even when we “help” it seems we might only be doing harm. I agree with Cole that it would have been nice to see a little expansion on how we’re pushing Western development by offering medical aid and maybe how we could offer aid without pushing our own agenda. I know in your infographic it says “who asked for their help?” but I think the outbreak has gotten to a point where more medical equipment and specialists are needed than what is in Africa right now and so I’m a little conflicted about the idea of not helping.