3 Reasons Why Muslim Women Don’t Think They’re Oppressed
By Breyana Fajota
The Gallup Organization released their findings of a survey conducted in 2005 of women in 8 predominantly Muslim countries.posted on Sept. 14, 2014, at 12:20 p.m.

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1. Most Muslim women associate sex equality with the West.
78% of Moroccan women,
71% of Lebanese women, and
48% of Saudi women polled linked legal equality with the West.
2. Majority of the women polled love their religion
53% of Pakistan women polled claimed their attachment to their religious beliefs were their country’s most admirable trait.
59% of Egypt women polled said their love of their religion was the best “aspect of their country”.
3. Sex issues are NOT the most important issue to Muslim women
More than 8,000 face-to-face interviews found that many women did not see sex issues as the priority issue. Majority of Muslim women polled said that “the lack of unity among Muslim nations, violent extremism, and political and economic corruptions” were the main issues.
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Some women believe that other women around the world who do not have the same exact rights as them are oppressed. However, many women who live in countries in the Middle East and other parts of the world do not feel the same. There are differences in cultures and lifestyles which may have some think that others are unhappy when they really aren’t. These misunderstandings are important in having those in the West to respect more the religions and cultures of those in the East.