Pollèntia Teams Received by the President

Pollèntia Teams Received by the President

Tuesday, July 15, saw all the Pollèntia research teams headed to Palma de Mallorca for a reception hosted by José Ramón Bauzà Díaz, President de les Illes Balears (Balearic Islands). The Major de Alcúdia, Dove Terrace Ventayol, met us in Palma for the reception at...
Jan Fabre Exhibit in Palma de Mallorca

Jan Fabre Exhibit in Palma de Mallorca

During our visit to Palma de Mallorca on July 15, the University of Barcelona research group, high school students in Archaeo Spain, and the entire UP Pollèntia team made a private tour of the exhibition “Zeno Brains and Oracle Stones” by multimedia artist...