Tromping Through Mallorca

Tromping Through Mallorca

Going into this journey, one of my biggest anxieties was making friends and what the dynamic would be like when we were in Mallorca. Though we all had class together in the spring semester, few of us had ever interacted outside of class. I worried whether I would meet...
New Insights

New Insights

There has never been a point in my life where I have felt confident in the idea of what I want to do with my future, and though that statement remains true, this opportunity has veered me closer to a decision of confidence. I am transferring universities next year,...

Last reflection at Pollentia

This adventure in Spain has been an eye opener for me in so many ways possible. Given that this is the farthest I’ve been away from home really feels like a leep of courage and commitment to my self, as I stay and deepen my knowledge of archeology and roman...

Jane Spacek

Greetings from Spain! Never could I have imagined such a new and wonderful journey ahead of me. I always dreamed of traveling the world as an optimist, and being changed by the suspense of life. I consider myself a resilient person who has faced a fair share of...

Boot Camp 2017

  The UP research team has completed its first week of Gravedigger 101! Volunteers from the School of Nursing, Spanish Department and the Oregon Archaeological Society led the training sessions along with Professors Ronda Bard and Valerie Walters. 2017 Student...