Market Day in Alcúdia

Alcúdia market: cabbage

Sundays and Tuesdays are the big days for shopping in Alcúdia. Vendors set up just outside the southern and southeastern walls, and stalls run from olives, serrano ham, and fruits & veggies to lacy underwear, pearls, and flip-flops. Food prices in the market are much cheaper than those of the Spar and Mercadona chain stores–and chatting…Continue Reading Market Day in Alcúdia

Aerial Photography of Pollèntia

We can do this! Balloon on the move

Besides providing a cool view of archaeology in action, aerial photography of excavations and, especially, potential excavation sites documents surface anomalies (soil coloration, vegetation patterns, subtle changes in elevation, etc.) indicative of underground structures. Combination of data from ground surveys, GPS analysis, aerial photography, and geophysical surveys (including surveys of magnetic susceptibility and electrical conductivity)…Continue Reading Aerial Photography of Pollèntia

Excavation of the Roman City of Pollèntia

The colonnade of the House of the Two Treasures

Quintus Caecilius Metellus founded Pollèntia as a strategic Roman outpost on the Balearic Island of Mallorca in 123 BCE. By the third century CE, Pollèntia had become a major urban colonia with an area of about 20 hectares. Infrastructure included housing, a forum containing temples and a market, a theater, and advanced systems for delivering drinking water and removing…Continue Reading Excavation of the Roman City of Pollèntia