Tromping Through Mallorca

Tromping Through Mallorca

Going into this journey, one of my biggest anxieties was making friends and what the dynamic would be like when we were in Mallorca. Though we all had class together in the spring semester, few of us had ever interacted outside of class. I worried whether I would meet...
New Insights

New Insights

There has never been a point in my life where I have felt confident in the idea of what I want to do with my future, and though that statement remains true, this opportunity has veered me closer to a decision of confidence. I am transferring universities next year,...
Introducing Myself

Introducing Myself

Hi! I’m Stella Berlin, and I am from Minneapolis, Minnesota. I will be going into my sophomore year of college. I am studying Anthropology with a minor in business. I have always had an interest in archeology, and when I learned about this experience, I...