Action scenes illustrating the work of some 90 professional archaeologists, collaborators, and volunteers at Pollentia this summer, including scenes of UP PURE teammates at work excavating the late Roman cemetery in the area known by Can Fanals, after the historic farm family who owned the fields.

View the video at the RTVE Spanish langauge website: A Day in the Life Of Digging

Of special note is the interview with Dr. Miguel Cau, Excavation Director and known to UP from his visit and lecture last April. In the interview, Cau explains the significant discovery this summer of substantial evidence demonstrating the establishment of a Roman military camp on the site that archaeologists believed for a long time had predated the founding of the city itself. With this data and further study, the date for the founding of the city of Pollentia may be corrected to 70 BC, some 50 years later than the hitherto claimed date of BC 123 BC and corresponding better to the city’s archaeological evidence.