Hi! I’m Stella Berlin, and I am from Minneapolis, Minnesota. I will be going into my sophomore year of college. I am studying Anthropology with a minor in business. I have always had an interest in archeology, and when I learned about this experience, I immediately wanted to be a part of it. I believe that through this experience of unearthing the past, I can gain a deeper insight into the past and how it differs from and stays consistent with today. Though I am not necessarily religious, I do deeply respect what I have grown up with and have been educated on Christianity; I believe the experience of unearthing a Christian cemetery in an old Roman city will create new ideas about death and the afterlife for me. I am curious about exploring their specific practices in burying the dead and if this tells us about how they lived. The leadership development that I will be intentionally focusing on is being reflective. I chose this because I sometimes forget to look back and truly grasp experiences that I have. I plan on growing and improving as a leader during this expedition. I am really exited to see what the coming month has in store!