This adventure in Spain has been an eye opener for me in so many ways possible. Given that this is the farthest I’ve been away from home really feels like a leep of courage and commitment to my self, as I stay and deepen my knowledge of archeology and roman history for a month. Not only that, but spend full days in the blistering sun while excavating roman graves from our dig site. There were times when I found my self nearly giving up due to the pressure of the environment and the workers, but I feel like I committed to my part as an e lavatory and fellow archeologist very well. Granted, there were times near the end of my time in Pollentia where I experienced serious health issues that hindered my ability to work, not to mention I had Covid for a week. It made my final week feel less sincere than I hoped, but I realized that I’m not the o ly one who has felt this way during our time together, and I hope I can learn from my past mistakes here to not have to worry and stress for my next international trips.
Overall I had a great time, went to Barcellona, bought plenty of souvenirs, and learned a whole lot. My passion for traveling has never really satiated for me, but this experience really encorouged it in the best possible ways. I just hope to be more independant and on my own In The future so that I can have a head start In The life I want for myself when the time comes.
im signing off, thanks to all and everyone for this opportunity!
Jane Spacek

Well Jane you are correct….we all have entered into experiences and for a myriad of reasons they took twists and turns (good and bad) that we learn from and step forward. UP and the global community is lucky to have people like you willing to put themselves out there and push their limits…we never truly know what we are capable of until we do that. Thank you for being an ambassador for the rest of us on campus and for seeing this as a growth opportunity in your development as a leader.