2nd Blog Post for July 18

As my time has come to an end in Mallorca I say goodbye not only to a changed experience of learning how to be a real archeologist but also to close friends who I have been able to be vulnerable and be my authentic self with. Coming into this program I wasn’t sure what to expect. I didn’t know anyone personally (besides having a Zoom class with Jane and Michael) and going hiking with Nicole.

These past weeks have been transforming for me. I have pushed my body physically and mentally to the limits and challenged myself to step outside of my comfort zone. I befriended and went on trips with other Spanish students and used a pick-axe for the first time. I pushed through the sweat, dehydration, and sunscreen eyes. I met people who I will never forget.

All of these people have meant the most to me:

  • Being able to talk so openly and be vulnerable with Joaquin
  • Meet such an authentic and kind person like Suku
  • Listened to Michael and all of his honest thoughts and ideas
  • Go on exciting adventures around Barcelona with Jane
  • Be welcomed and included by such a warm and strong person like Stella
  • Hear all of the romantic and exciting endeavors of Lilian
  • Talk with someone so motivated and intelligent like Chloe
  • Speak with someone so adventurous and determined like Reilly who adventured to a new country all by himself
  • Learn all of the wisdom and how to stand up for what I believe from Nicole
  • Eat good food cooked with love from Tess 
  • Be so well looked after by someone as nice as Kara
  • Learned so many life lessons from a professor like Dave
  • Be so taken care of, thought-provoked, and embraced by a professor like Nina

These people have changed my outlook on life, love, and the future. As I leave early and head off to live in Japan I can’t help but reflect on these last few months. From new relationships, student teaching for my education degree, to graduation, to work, to traveling around Europe, to being here and learning how to be a real archaeologist I can’t help but have faith and trust in myself and in the people I meet. Life is one big adventure and it’s up to us and what we make of it. Only we can choose for ourselves and make the future that we want. Wishing luck and love to everyone in this program. Thank you for sharing this experience with me. I am eternally grateful for having met you all. ❤️