Greetings from Spain! Never could I have imagined such a new and wonderful journey ahead of me. I always dreamed of traveling the world as an optimist, and being changed by the suspense of life. I consider myself a resilient person who has faced a fair share of downhill battles, but reflecting on myself now shows how much I’ve grown and survived these years. Traveling to Spain has given me a new opportunity to learn and spread my wings as I become the person I always wanted to be. I thank everyone for helping me get here, and opening my eye’s to the possibilities 🙂
Learning the history of Pollentia’s dig site has been a big eye opener for me. Working at the dig site is both rewarding and exhausting! I found three roman nails side by side in a grave site the first week of excavation. I wish I had taken a picture to show on my blog just how cool the find was, but I hope talking about it is enough to show my excitement. Our group has made so much progress on the work site, it’s almost hard to believe we made it this far. Everyone is really working together to make this project happen, and I appreciate all the individual support from students and faculty, you are all amazing!