Greetings to all. My name is Michael Musangu. I am from Portland, Oregon and I’m a recent graduate from the University Of Portland. I majored in biology and minored in history. At the beginning, my goal in participating in this experience was more just for me to want to do archeology, be part of the digging and getting my hands dirty and such. Now that I have had more time to understand the process of archeology, a bit more of the history of Pollentia, and the culture surrounding it, I have found that I want to invest a lot more into understanding the cultural history of the ancient Roman city. What I hope to gain is a deeper understanding into the culture and maybe even a bit more insight into how the people from this era thought. I have found that from a theological point of view, some of the main ideas that I want to explore is understanding how the religious traditions had an impact on burial practices, or to take it even further, dissect the meaning of the important to them. It means one thing to do something, but it honestly means something else when you can understand why it is important to them. Meaning ultimately stems from hierarchy of importance, in my point of view. What is deemed important to you will have a lot of meaning to you by virtue of its significance. The area of leadership that I most want to grow in is my ability to remain purposefully engaged. I chose this because I think that as a leader, you always want to be in a situation where you are being relevant to the projects that you are working on and not doing things that ultimately work against the whole goal and meaning of what you are doing. In Spain, my goal is to harness my ability to understand how to become more purposefully engaged in order to be a more well rounded leader.