Farmers Market

Farmers Market

Every Sunday and Tuesday the center plaza of Alceudia fills with hundreds of people eager to take home fresh olives, fruits, vegetables, nuts, meats, cheeses, bread, crafts, clothing, and toys from the local farmers market. The dizzying array of fresh fruits including...
The Daily Dig

The Daily Dig

What will we find today is the question on each mind as we walk to the Ca’n Fanals dig site each morning at 7:30 AM.  It’s hot, dry, and extremely dusty but the excitement is palpable as we grab our picks, brushes, buckets, and handtools and receive...
Meet The General!

Meet The General!

Fr. Richard Rutherford, CSC–The General, Padre, Father R–is the life and soul of the University of Portland Pollentia expedition. We are here because of his vision, stubbornness, fundraising skills, and, especially,  his acumen in persuasion! Here is...
Meet Team Member Alan

Meet Team Member Alan

Alan does double duty as our nurse “medical officer,” advising members about heat stress, hats, sun screen, & avoiding injury, while acting as Chief of Food Service, planning, shopping, & preparing mostly vegetarian meals. He is most appreciative...
Finding a Piece of an Amphora

Finding a Piece of an Amphora

An exciting find the first day on the dig site was the base of a Roman amphora.  An amphora is a terracotta vessel used to transport liquids, probably wine.  The pointed base made it easier to stack.