Iglesia de Sant Jaume in Alcúdia

Iglesia de Sant Jaume in Alcúdia, visible from The Forum

Visible from most points in the Pollèntia excavation site, the Iglesia de Sant Jaume was completed in 1893, on the site of an earlier church dating to the fourteenth century. The original structure collapsed in 1870 and was replaced by the current Gothic church dedicated to Santiago, patron saint of Alcúdia. UP Pollèntia Team members attending masses at Sant Jaume report that the parish priest speaks Castilian very clearly and is easily understood. Readings are available in Castilian, Catalan, English, and German.

Photo credits for this page: Rachael Thurston, Alan Helyer, Larry Hansen, and Ronda Bard

Iglesia de Sant Jaume: view from outside the walls

Iglesia de Sant Jaume: view from outside the walls

The main altar of Iglesia de Sant Jaume

The main altar of Iglesia de Sant Jaume

A sunny day on the church plaza

A sunny day on the church plaza

The main entrance to Sant Jaume showing the rose window and the statue of Santiago

The main entrance to Sant Jaume showing the rose window and the statue of Santiago