What’s Next?…What and who do you want to know?

I know you’ve been there – a big project comes to an end, or it’s the last day of your vacation – and you start to ask yourself, “What was this? Did I accomplish everything I set out to do? What’s next?” That’s me right now. At the tail-end of my two years in the Nonprofit MBA program, it’s time for reflection.

A couple of things stand out. The first one is people. While I entered the program looking to hone my skills (or build them – hello accounting!) and grow my leadership capacity, it turns out that one of the greatest gifts has been building relationships. From amazing classmates to the many knowledgeable professors, I find an endless source of learning, inspiration, and community.

This brings me to the second stand-out reflection: perspective. These folks have challenged me! What does Brexit have to do with local nonprofits? How does environmental sustainability enable profit and mission?  What does it mean to truly communicate effectively in a team? The list goes on. And the answers, it would seem, require both an understanding of systems and root causes. As Simon (Sinek) says, it’s all about revealing “why.” As trite as it sounds, getting real perspective is critical.

Back to the “What’s next?” question. I want to bring these people and their perspectives to YOU. Over the coming months, I’m hoping to interview professors, classmates, and school staff. So tell me – what do you want to know? Who do you want to know? I’d love to hear from you: beiderma18@up.edu

~Sarah Beiderman is the Expansion Fund and Grants Manager for Friends of the Children