Moodle does not automatically submit final grades. Even if you use Moodle to track student grades, you MUST submit Final Grades using Self-Serve Banner (available via PilotsUP).
Up to date instructions to do so are available on the UP Registrar page.
The Self-Service portal can be accessed on or off campus using your network username and password. Contact the help desk at 503.943.7000 if you have any trouble accessing the portal.
Availability Period
Per the Registrar’s page:
Online grading is available from the first day of finals week until Tuesday after finals week at 9 a.m. for grade submission. Degree candidates’ grades are due at 11 a.m. the Friday of finals. Grades are rolled into academic history Friday after finals at 11 a.m. and every hour until 7 p.m. and at 10 a.m. and 11 a.m. on Saturday to check for degree candidates grades, and at 9 a.m. the Tuesday after finals. During the summer, online grading is available from the last day of the first six-week session until 9 a.m. on Tuesday after the last scheduled session. Changes can be made to grades online until they are rolled into academic history. After grades are rolled, a Change of Grade form must be submitted to change any grades that have already been submitted.
Any final grade registers not submitted online by the 9 a.m. Tuesday deadline will be assigned the grade of “NG” and will require a Change of Grade form for each student to be submitted to our office to update the student’s academic history. Any single grades left blank on an online final grade register will be assumed to be students who did not withdraw properly and will receive the grade of “F” at the deadline.
The Authorization for Grade of Incomplete forms are due the same time as regular grades. Your dean’s approval and signature is required for all Incomplete grades. Incomplete (I) grades cannot be submitted online. A signed Authorization for Grade of Incomplete must be completed and submitted to the Office of the Registrar. Once the form has been received, the “I” will be entered in the student’s record. The “IP” grade is not a substitute for the “I” Incomplete grade.
Entering Grades Online
A printable copy of the following can be found at the Registrar’s page linked in the Overview above.
Open your browser, go to https://pilots.up.edu, and enter your User Name: and Password:
- Click on Login to access the portal.
- Click on the Self Serve tab at the top of the page to open the Banner Web.
- Click on Faculty and Advisor Menu.
- Click on Final Grades.
- Click on the down arrow next to Select Term: open the drop down menu and select the term.
- Click on Submit Term .
- Click on the down arrow next to Select CRN: to open the drop down menu and select the course for which you want to enter final grades. (You can also click on [Enter Section Identifier (CRN) Directly] in the middle of the page and enter the CRN for a course.
- Click on Submit CRN which opens the Final Grade Worksheet.
- In the Final Grade Worksheet there is a drop down menu for the grade options for each student or you can data enter the grade.
Please note the reminder: Please click the Submit Grades button often. There is a 30 minute time limit on this screen. - Enter the grade for each student and click on Submit Grades.
- Only 25 students are on a page so that if your class is larger than 25 you will have additional pages. Please note the Record Sets: at the top and bottom of the page and click on the next set to continue entering grades for your students.
- Click on CRN Selection at the bottom of the page to select another course for which you want to enter grades.
- Click on Exit in the upper right corner of the page when you are done entering grades and close the window.
- Click on Logout in the upper right corner of the portal to log out of the system
If you have any questions please call our office at 503.943.7321 or email registrar@up.edu and someone will assist you with the process.