Grant an Assignment Extension


Instructors may grant due date extensions to one or more students in Moodle assignment activities.

Step 1

Visit the assignment page. Click View all submissions.

instructions in article text

Step 2

On the submissions page, you can view the submission and grading status for each student. Any overdue assignments are noted in red text.

If you want to grant an extension to any student(s), tick the checkbox next to their name in the Select column.

instructions in article text

Step 3

With the student(s) selected, scroll to the bottom of the list and choose Grant extension from the With selected option box (1).

Note: if you are making an extension for a single student, the option can also be access via the edit menu for that student (2).

Step 4

If you see a pop-up asking you to confirm your choice, click OK.

Set the extension date an choose Save changes

instructions in article text


Step 5

The granted extension(s) will be noted on the submissions page.

instructions in article text