Goal: Learn about measuring tactics, tools and practices! There are a wide variety of tools for accurately measuring items, a few of which are covered in this module, along with how machines are calibrated. At the end, you will get a chance to use these tools to tolerance and properly measure a bar for manufacturing. You will also get a chance to identify the sizes of ball bearings, measure surface roughness of gears and more.
Presentation & Readings:
- This module includes two shorter presentations (Both are required)
- Metrology Presentation Part One
- Tolerance, Dimensioning and Surface Roughness Part two
- Readings:
- Calibration information for roughness (Optional)
Videos & Resources:
REQUIRED VIDEO: You only need to watch about three minutes of this video. This video covers the basics of calibration and why it is so important to manufacturing.
OPTIONAL VIDEO: Interesting video on measuring the profile of a gas turbine engine using a coordinate measuring machine
OPTIONAL VIDEO: Interesting video demonstration on automated deburring and surface finish. Shows automation software in measuring and gauging various surface roughness.
Hands On Activity & Deliverable:
- In class Activity: Module Three (Required)
- To be turned in for a grade
- Module Three: Metrology Quiz (Required)