DNCE Rocked the Bluff
By Sal Aversa |
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One of the most anticipated events every school year here at the University of Portland, Rock the Bluff, is a chance for existing students to enjoy a close and personal concert, and a chance for perspective students to see the Bluff.
This year, DNCE, led by singer Joe Jonas, rocked the bluff in a packed Chiles Center, Saturday night in Portland.
With doors opening at 8, students rushed into the Chiles Center trying to get in the front row for the main event. A DJ started off the night, getting the crowd excited and energized for the show. Some students may have gotten a bit too excited, as one girl broke her leg in the audience. However, the show was about the start as Coleman Hell took the stage.
The crowd seemed to enjoy this opener, as he sang songs that not a lot of people knew about, but ended with his famous and most popular song, “Two Heads.”
He even cracked a joke on stage when he said, “Is it bad that I’m at a Catholic school and my last name is ‘Hell’.”
Once he was off stage, the stage directors started changing sets for the main event, DNCE. At this point, the entire Chiles Center, both mezzanine and floor were packed. The crowd was filled with anticipation, as a star we all grew up with, Joe Jonas, was about to get on stage.
At 10, DNCE came to the stage and surprised the audience by coming out with Star Wars masks and light sabers.
With that introduction, DNCE started their set and the crowd was really into it. They played all of their popular songs and included some cover songs as well.
The entire floor section and even the mezzanine was standing and dancing all over the place. DNCE was putting on a show. The stage set-up and lighting was very exciting and added to the excellent performance they were putting on.
To make this night even more special, DNCE talked about how much love they had for Portland and how much they loved performing at UP, which made the audience explode with excitement.
All in all, DNCE rocked the Bluff and left the entire audience wanting more.
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