#UPtechtips Update

I’m taking on some new challenges in life and at work and have decided to scale back #UPtechtips (slightly) from twice a week to once a week – new publishing day of the week will be every Thursday during the academic year. I have some fun ideas for tips and incorporating some more video elements…Continue Reading #UPtechtips Update

A New Desktop Capture Client for MediaSpace

Information Services is happy to announce a change coming to the way you can capture video of your desktop using the MediaSpace social video portal. Starting in March 2016, the current Screen Recorder  tool will be replaced with a brand new desktop capture tool called CaptureSpace. For more please see the original post on UPTechTalk: https://sites.up.edu/techtalk/a-new-desktop-capture-client-for-mediaspace/…Continue Reading A New Desktop Capture Client for MediaSpace

More social media

More ways to connect and share are always good, so I added a link to my LinkedIn page and started a UP TechTips Tumblr and Facebook community page! You can find all my social media channels in the “Follow Me” block on the sidebar….Continue Reading More social media