There Has Never Been a Better Time to Try Digital Notes

When I first began using digital notes, I was seriously impressed with the positive impact on my work and learning. You see, I have always been a poor organizer of paper notes. Even if I carefully wrote down key points or things I needed to remember, information invariably ends up lost, crumpled up, and forgotten….Continue Reading There Has Never Been a Better Time to Try Digital Notes

How to Avoid Death By Discussion Forum

Note: This piece was originally published on Discussion forums are a mainstay of online and blended classes. Any learning technology that becomes ubiquitous is a fair target for critical interrogation (Death by PowerPoint comes to mind); discussion boards, too, have their fair share of detractors. A common criticism is that forums lead to rote,…Continue Reading How to Avoid Death By Discussion Forum

#UPTechTip: An Easy Way Resize & Crop Images in Windows 10

If you are on an up to date version of Windows 10, you should have access to the new replacement for the venerable Microsoft Pain app – Paint 3D. The new application can create 3d graphics and is also super useful as a basic image manipulation tool. Not a Windows person? See my earlier post…Continue Reading #UPTechTip: An Easy Way Resize & Crop Images in Windows 10

#UPTechTip: Get Your Students Creating Videos

With the Kaltura integration into Moodle, it’s easy for students to create and upload their own videos. These could be used to record presentations or screencast videos, to add video comments or VLOGs (video blogs), to conduct interviews, etc. You can either provide a forum for students to post videos to, or create a Media Assignment if…Continue Reading #UPTechTip: Get Your Students Creating Videos

#UPTechTip: Trim or Clip Your MediaSpace Video With the New Editor

MediaSpace has long been a great way to upload and share your multimedia at UP. Many instructors, students, and staff have uploaded thousands of hours of streaming video content for teaching, learning, and sharing. But, once your video was up on MediaSpace, there wasn’t much more you could do with it. Until Now! With the…Continue Reading #UPTechTip: Trim or Clip Your MediaSpace Video With the New Editor