I Am Psyched

The series of events and programming we are calling I Am Psyched PDX is inspired by the I Am Psyched! exhibit created in a collaboration among the American Psychological Association’s Women’s Programs Office, Psychology’s Feminist Voices Oral History and Digital Archive Project, and the Drs. Nicholas and Dorothy Cummings Center for the History of Psychology. The exhibit celebrates the careers and contributions of 25 psychologists who are women of color, in fields including research, education, and public policy.

I Am Psyched PDX celebrates the contributions of women and non-binary Black, Indigenous and People of Color globally in research, education, policy and human services, with an especial focus on the Portland Metro Area. Our mission is two-fold. First: education. We want to provide a more accurate history of psychology, and the many ways it has shaped our world, by showcasing the important roles that women of color have played. Second, and most important: inspiration. We want to inspire young women and non-binary Black, Indigenous, and People of Color to be our next generation of change-makers as psychologists, educators, researchers, human service professionals, and public policy creators. We want to inspire everyone to consider the ways that the voices of women, LGBTQA+ people, and BIPOC communities have been silenced, and to advocate for equity and inclusion in all areas of society.