Change-Maker Panels

March 16th, 6:00-7:30pm: Grad School Panel Part 2: Advice for BIPOC Women

Successfully applying for and completing grad school is challenging. Among the challenges are navigating the often-unspoken rules and norms of how to be an ideal candidate and student. When you add racism and sexism, both implicit and explicit, to the mix it’s even harder. Join us for our panel, and learn from the journeys and advice of women of color who are professors, practicing professionals, and students in academia, law, counseling, and medicine.


March 30th, 6:30-8pm: Celebrating our Leaders, Connecting with Future Change-makers: Panel and Meet-n-Greet

There are many fantastic organizations in PDX serving BIPOC and Queer/Trans communities. Join us to celebrate them and learn more about the amazing ways they are serving our community by working towards social justice and equitable practices in Oregon. Find out about upcoming volunteer, internship, and/or job opportunities so you can be among the next generation of leaders and change-makers in Portland. We will start with a panel of five local leaders telling us about their organizations, their accomplishments and challenges, and move on to small groups where you can ask questions of individual leaders.