Instructor: Eli Goldwyn
Course: Numerical Analysis (Math 309)
Office Location: MECC 265
Webpage: (then click on Math 309)
Class Meeting Time: TR 10:50-12:05 (Clement – 308)
Office Hours: see main webpage (or by appointment)
Textbook: Numerical Analysis by Timothy Sauer, 2nd Ed. (available at the bookstore or online at etc.)
We will cover chapters 1-6 + additional section
Prerequisites: Computer Science 115, either MATH 132 or MATH 142, and any mathematics course numbered 200 or higher. Programming experience is recommended. See me if you have any questions.
Course Description: Theory, development, and evaluation of algorithms for mathematical problem solving by computation. Topics will be chosen from the following: interpolation, function approximation, numerical integration and differentiation, numerical solution of nonlinear equations, systems of linear equations, and differential equations. Treatment of each topic will involve error analysis.
Programming: All programming will be done in MATLAB unless you get permission from me. If you prefer to use a different programming language please discuss this with me immediately (before you begin any assignments).
MATLAB: All students should have access to MATLAB in the computer lab and/or on a personal computer.
Book MatLab programs: link
• Attendance/Class Participation/Quizzes 10%
• HW (theoretical HW and computational HW) 30%
• 2 Midterm Exams (dates: TBA) 30% (15% each)
• Final Exam (cumulative) 30% (take home 25%, in class 5%)
• Will be posted weekly(ish) on the course website.
• HW will involve both theoretical and computational/programming exercises.
• Late HW will be penalized.
• Theoretical HW can be written up (cleanly) in pencil.
• Computational/programming HW should be using LaTex, Word, or some other program.
• HW will be posted on the webpage and will be due in my office Friday before 2:00 PM
• HW problems are the minimal amount of problems you should do. I recommend you do many more problems on your own!
Exams: There will be two regular exams and a final exam. Make up exams are given only in the case of a serious medical problem or emergency documented by the Dean of Students office. Written documentation any such situation will be required. Advanced notice must be given if possible.
Study Hints:
• Attend class and be active! (ask questions if you don’t understand).
• Read the book.
• Help each other/work in groups.
• Attend my office hours.
• Review your notes.
• Be patient! It’s okay if you don’t understand a concept the first time you see it.
A common theme emerges from this list: You are responsible for your own learning. As your instructor, I view my role as providing you with contexts and opportunities that facilitate the learning process. Please call on me to help you with this learning in whatever ways I can.
Academic Honesty: Academic integrity is an important component of intellectual life and I treat cases of academic dishonesty very seriously. You are expected to uphold the principles in the Student Integrity Contract, to read and abide by the College policies on intellectual honesty in the Student Handbook, and to abide by any specific policies I establish. You will receive these policies in writing. If you have any questions you should bring them to me; when in doubt err on the side of caution and avoid even the appearance of academic dishonesty. The minimum penalty for academic dishonesty is a 0 on the given assignment/exam. All cases of academic dishonesty will be referred to the Academic Honor Council.
Coding and Academic Honesty: My general rule is you are encouraged to talk with others about general coding approaches and what they think of the results. All explanation/interpretations you write up should be your own. When it comes to debugging, half of learning and internalizing a programming language comes from finding and correcting your own mistakes. If you do get stumped and you need help debugging, try to only go as far as asking your classmate if they see what line the bug may be on. That way you still get a chance to think of the solution to problem yourself.
• You should never copy lines of code verbatim.
• You should never directly edit a fellow student’s .m file.
• You should never copy and paste.