Student Spotlight: Kylie Leffler

Who is your favorite actor or actress?
Actor: Kevin Costner; I have a crush on him.
Actress: Jennifer Lawrence: I have been told I look like her (not a bad thing to hear!) and I think she is a really, really good actress!
What is your favorite local hangout or restaurant?
Buffalo Wild Wings all the way!! I’m a huge fan of the 55 cent traditional wings special on Tuesdays.
Who are the most influential people in your life?
My family (mom, dad, two younger sisters) and my mentor, Dr. Ami Ahern-Rindell.
Do you have a favorite dessert?
All desserts!!! My favorite food on campus was the burrito bowl, but I cook ravioli all the time at my house.
Do you have any funny habits?
I twirl my hair and the rate intensifies when I’m thinking. It’s actually not a nervous habit.
Student Spotlight: Joshua George
Where is your hometown?
Las Vegas, NVWhat has been your favorite Biology course so far?
Either microbiology or endocrinology
Do you have a favorite activity or food in Portland?
I love all the free things to do and see in Downtown Portland. I like to frequent this Hispanic food truck just across from PSU’s engineering building that makes the best burritos in town!

What do you consider the best way to spend time relaxing?
Re-reading the Harry Potter series with the occasional workout session in between reading.
What do you like to do when it’s nice outside?
I love to play basketball or just walk around exploring new areas of Portland that I haven’t been to.
Do you have any particular interests or hobbies?
I read a lot! I also like dancing and playing football and basketball.
Who is someone you admire?
Aubrey de Grey
Student Spotlight: Jin Yun

Did you have another major besides Biology that you considered?
I was considering biochemistry.
What are you
planning on doing with your Biology degree?
I hope to go to medical school and become a general physician.
Which professors have had the most impact on you?
I would have to say Dr. Ronda Bard, Dr. Van Hoomissen, and Dr. Flann.
What is your favorite spot in Portland?
NW 23rd and Alberta.
What is one thing you always have with you?
I love making lists and reminders, so I always carry around a small journal in my bag to keep track of everything.
Most heavenly vacation spot?
Laguna de Apoyo in Nicaragua is beautiful.
Student Spotlight: Sam Nicols

What is one thing you always have in your bag?
Whether it’s the real thing or on my phone, I always have a book to read!
Have you read any good books lately ?
The last book I read was David Sedaris’ latest, Let’s Explore Diabetes with Owls. He’s one of my favorite authors because his stories always make me laugh out loud.
Any little known hobbies?
I love to bake! My favorite is red velvet cupcakes.
What are you planning on doing with your Biology degree?
I’m still not sure, but something in the medical field!
Favorite spot in Portland?
As an avid reader, I always love a trip to Powell’s!
Which professor had the most impact on you?
Dr. Brown, Dr. Van Hoomissen, and Dr. Sullivan are three that stand out.