Kylie Leffler, class of 2014, participated in an event called Posters on the Hill which included a trip to Washington D.C.! Here is what she had to say about her experience:
“At the end of April, I attended a research conference sponsored by the Council on Undergraduate Research (CUR) called Posters on the Hill. My trip consisted of meetings with Congressmen who represent Oregon’s third district, which is where UP resides. I was fortunate enough to meet with Representative Earl Blumenauer and a legislative aid for Senator Wyden and explain my research and the impact it has had on me as a person and as a student. Then, we presented our research posters in one of the House of Representative Buildings on Capitol Hill to various NSF, ACS, and government officials who were able to attend the presentation.
Posters on the Hill was such a great opportunity for me to not only present my research to influential policymakers and share the positive experience I had doing research, but also for me to learn about what other research is being conducted across the country. I had also never been to DC before this trip, so I got to explore the city a little bit too which was fun.”
Congratulations, Kylie! We are so glad to have you represent our school and our biology department!